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Your success starts here

Helping you sell around the world

Development of online stores on Shopify, Facebook, Etsy, and Ebay. Connecting payments. International delivery of parcels from Ukraine.

0 800 211 581

(дзвінки по Україні безкоштовні,
з 10.00 до 18.00 в робочі дні)

Helping you sell around the world

Our Services

Connect your stores to payment

We allow buyers of your products to pay via PayPal, Stripe, or credit cards, and you receive funds on cards, in cash in dollars, or in cryptocurrency.

Delivery of parcels from Ukraine abroad

We will deliver your goods from anywhere in Ukraine to more than 100 countries in the shortest possible time. The cost of delivery to Europe is from $5 dollars per parcel, to the USA - from $6. Insurance for 1%.

Logistics center in Miami, USA

We buy back, accept for storage, prepare, pack, and ship goods to your customers or to Amazon from a warehouse in Miami. We work with private entrepreneurs and medium-sized businesses.

Promotion and audit of stores

Increase sales, SEO promotion, e-mail marketing, and advertising setup. Audit of online stores. Search and analysis of niches. Individual consultations with WB experts. Training for beginners.

Accepting returns from your customers

Receiving and processing returns from your customers at our logistics center in the United States. Storage and subsequent shipment to any other address in the US or abroad. Recycling options.

Assistance in starting a company in the USA

Your own American company will allow you to trade on all global marketplaces, obtain an EIN/ITIN, Resale Certificate, register a Trademark, and open a bank account in the United States.

Free store

List and sell on our marketplace for free. Easy import of goods from Etsy and eBay. PayPal is connected. Generate a direct link to payment for posting on social media.

Call abroad with an interpreter

We provide an English-speaking interpreter for telephone conversations with the support of any marketplaces and services, as well as for calls to your customers in the USA, England, Canada, and Australia.

Wholesale market: goods for sale on EBay

We offer to buy lots of new goods from Amazon for 10-15% of the selling price for further remote sale on Ebay. You sell, and we ship from our warehouse in Miami.

Підключення ваших магазинів до оплати

Connect your stores to payment

We allow buyers of your products to pay via PayPal, Stripe, or credit cards, and you receive funds on cards, in cash in dollars, or in cryptocurrency.

Доставка посилок з України за кордон

Delivery of parcels from Ukraine abroad

We will deliver your goods from anywhere in Ukraine to more than 100 countries in the shortest possible time. The cost of delivery to Europe is from $5 dollars per parcel, to the USA - from $6. Insurance for 1%.

Логістичний центр у Маямі, США

Logistics center in Miami, USA

We buy back, accept for storage, prepare, pack, and ship goods to your customers or to Amazon from a warehouse in Miami. We work with private entrepreneurs and medium-sized businesses.

Просування та аудит магазинів

Promotion and audit of stores

Increase sales, SEO promotion, e-mail marketing, and advertising setup. Audit of online stores. Search and analysis of niches. Individual consultations with WB experts. Training for beginners.

Прийом повернень від ваших покупців

Accepting returns from your customers

Receiving and processing returns from your customers at our logistics center in the United States. Storage and subsequent shipment to any other address in the US or abroad. Recycling options.

Допомога у відкритті компанії в США

Assistance in starting a company in the USA

Your own American company will allow you to trade on all global marketplaces, obtain an EIN/ITIN, Resale Certificate, register a Trademark, and open a bank account in the United States.

Безкоштовний магазин

Free store

List and sell on our marketplace for free. Easy import of goods from Etsy and eBay. PayPal is connected. Generate a direct link to payment for posting on social media.

Дзвінок за кордон з перекладачем

Call abroad with an interpreter

We provide an English-speaking interpreter for telephone conversations with the support of any marketplaces and services, as well as for calls to your customers in the USA, England, Canada, and Australia.

Оптомаркет: товари для продажу на EBay

Wholesale market: goods for sale on EBay

We offer to buy lots of new goods from Amazon for 10-15% of the selling price for further remote sale on Ebay. You sell, and we ship from our warehouse in Miami.

For whom we work

For entrepreneurs

For Entrepreneurs

What they plan to sell their goods abroad

Register Now

For sellers on Etsy, eBay, Shopify

and other marketplaces
in the e-commerce sector

For sellers on Etsy, eBay, Shopify
For artists

For Artists

who wish to showcase their creations on international platforms

Register Now




For entrepreneurs

For Entrepreneurs

What they plan to sell their goods abroad

Register Now

For sellers on Etsy, eBay, Shopify

and other marketplaces
in the e-commerce sector

For sellers on Etsy, eBay, Shopify
For artists

For Artists

who wish to showcase their creations on international platforms

Register Now




For Great Business

Individual services for large businesses

Special delivery terms for goods and other services for exporters

For suppliers interested in wholesale sales in the USA and Europe

Assistance in the implementation of wholesale batches of goods abroad.

Save time and money with Western Bid

Use the payment systems that are convenient for you and take advantage of special shipping rates.

Lowest transaction fees

Western Bid commission is 4%, PayPal commission is 1.9%. No limits, deductions, or conversion. Acceptance of credit card payments with a commission of 1.8%.

Special shipping rates:

Western Bid customers enjoy subsidized prices on shipping with various international carriers, with discounts of up to 80%.

PayPal dispute and complaint management

Simply provide us with the necessary information and we will take care of all communication in English for free.

Your personal returns warehouse in the USA

We accept, process, and store goods returned by your customers in the USA for up to 30 days.

About Us

We are a full-service agency in the field of international e-commerce

Мы - агентство
полного цикла в сфере
международного e-commerce

We are a full-service agency in the field of international e-commerce

The team of the Western Bid agency

Western Bid was found in 2001 and since becomes e-commerce platform providing various services, tools and e-commerce solutions to foreign artists, crafters, art dealers, handmade artists as well as to vintage and antique dealers and suppliers. We work with more than hundred qualified and verified vendors and suppliers around the world, and most products are shipped from our main warehouse and shipping center in Pembroke Park, Florida. Besides, some products are drop-shipped directly from vendor’s warehouses to your door in order to expedite the delivery.
Our mission is to provide foreign, mostly – Ukrainian handmade artists and art entrepreneurs ability to offer their products to the world via most famous marketplaces, and at the same time to ensure the security of online purchasing.
Western Bid offers 30-day money-back guarantee on every purchase, and processes returns at our facility in Pembroke Park, Florida, United States of America.
At the same time, working as a commission-based trading assistant Western Bid provides the following services: product advertising, customer support call center, dispute resolution, product return processing and web listing design. As a partner of major shipping companies Western Bid offers very competitive shipping rates for domestic and overseas product delivery.

Western Bid's legal documents:
Western Bid User Agreement
Western Bid Fulfilment Center User Agreement
Western Bid Privacy Statement
Western Bid Shipping and Handling Policy
Western Bid Product Return Policy
Western Bid Prohibited Product List
Western Bid Fraud and Corruption Response Policy

Disclaimer: Western Bid, Inc. and Western Bid Europe are two different companies.
Rates and Fees:
Rates and Fees are applicable to Western Bid clients only, third parties do not pay any fees to Western Bid.

Contact us:
Our phone number: 1-305-307-0382
Our email:
Our address:
Western Bid, Inc. 3500 W Hallandale Beach Blvd
Pembroke Park, FL, 33023 USA

Western Bid was founded in 2001 and since then has become an e-commerce platform   providing various services, tools, and e-commerce solutions to foreign artists,   crafters, art dealers, handmade artists, as well as vintage and antique dealers and suppliers.   We work with more than a hundred qualified and verified vendors and suppliers around the world,   and most products are shipped from our main warehouse and shipping center in Pembroke Park, Florida.   Besides, some products are drop-shipped directly from vendors’ warehouses to your door to expedite delivery.

Our mission is to provide foreign, mostly Ukrainian handmade artists and art entrepreneurs   with the ability to offer their products to the world via the most famous marketplaces,   and at the same time ensure the security of online purchasing.

Western Bid offers a 30-day money-back guarantee on every purchase and processes returns   at our facility in Pembroke Park, Florida, United States of America.

At the same time, working as a commission-based trading assistant,   Western Bid provides the following services: product advertising, customer support call center,   dispute resolution, product return processing, and web listing design.   As a partner of major shipping companies, Western Bid offers very competitive shipping rates   for domestic and overseas product delivery.

Western Bid's legal documents:
Western Bid User Agreement
Western Bid Fulfillment Center User Agreement
Western Bid Privacy Statement
Western Bid Shipping and Handling Policy
Western Bid Product Return Policy
Western Bid Prohibited Product List
Western Bid Fraud and Corruption Response Policy
Western Bid Sustainability Report
Western Bid Code of Ethics and Conduct

Disclaimer: Western Bid, Inc. and Western Bid Europe are two different companies.

Rates and Fees:
Rates and Fees are applicable to Western Bid clients only; third parties do not pay any fees to Western Bid.

Contact us:
Our phone number:
Our email:
Our address:
Western Bid, Inc. 3500 W Hallandale Beach Blvd
Pembroke Park, FL, 33023 USA


We send more than 3000 parcels daily


Over 15000 satisfied clients


We have been working for you for more than 20 years

Customer Reviews

Маю магазин на Etsy, з компанією Вестерн Бід співпрацюю з моменту його реєстрації, вже дев'ятий рік. Завжди була задоволена рівнем клієнтської підтримки, послугами, що пропонуються, особливо з доставки посилок. Для наших великих та важких посилок ціни на доставку - найнижчі в Укріїні. Окремо хочу подякувати співробітникам регіонального офісу компанії Вестерн Бід в м.Чернівці за оперативне вирішення складної ситуації та допомогу з посилкою. Бажаю успіхів в подальшій роботі!


Продавець Etsy

Дуже вдячна оператору Наталці за підтримку і чітку роботу. Вже двічі вона мені допомогла. Приємно, що цей оператор швидко орієнтується, демонструє свою компетентність, терпляче пояснює все, що її питають.


Продавець Etsy

Доброго дня. Дякую. Вчора книгу отримав. Декілька розіділів уже прочитав і можу сказати, що ця книга буде чудововою мотивацією для подальшого розвитку і допоможе осягнути нові горизонти. Знаючи автора книги особисто, я коли дізнавчя про випуск цієї книги, зразу ж, і не задумуючись, її замовив, я можу сказати що я не пожалкував!

Юрій Федотов

Мої враження від книги "Незламні продавці" Олександра Радіча дуже позитивні. Ця книга, наповнена історіями успіху українських підприємців, дуже надихає. Читаючи книгу, я задумавсчя над своєю власною діяльністю і над своїм життям. Для мене особисто "Незламін продавці" стали не лише джерелом мотивації, а й стимулом працювати над власними ідеями. Дуже рекомендую цю книгу не тільки підприємціям, а й всім, хто шукає натхнення та мотивації в житті. Читається книга дуже легко.


Доброго дня Книги забрав! Я в захваті. Дуже круті історії ви вибрали! Титанічна праця

Іван Козак

Добрий день, я більше скажу. Майже всі книги вже роздарував, та вже половину прочитав. Я чомусь думав, що я один дуже тяжко починав, але виявилось що реальність у всіх одна. Книга дуже крута, ідея з реальними продавцями 5+ Дякую

Руслан Кирик

Вітаю з виходом довгоочікуваної книжки Нехай це видання буде у списку must read для аудиторії не тільки успішних підприємців, а й для кожної людини, яка шукає натхнення, розвитку, реалізації, віри та перспективи. Ця книжка гордість усіх причетних та дотичних. З великою повагою, пане Олександре до Вас і усієї команди!

Tetiana Kyryk

Вітаю з другою книгою, в цей складний час вона стане натхненим орієнтиром для багатьох людей. Для мене так точно. Мені будь ласка 10шт з автографом ;)

Руслан Апстрим

Пане Олександре, Вітаю з виходом довгоочікуваної книги! Ви та ваша команда в т.ч. вся компанія Western Bid, дуже допомагаєте людям знайти в собі сили ніколи не здаватись, надихаєте йти тільки вперед! Щиро Вам дякуємо!

Vira Mark

Hooray! I got my first 10 sales on Etsy. Thanks to Alexander for helping me develop my shop. I'm so happy, I'm going to start packing the orders now! 😄

Ekaterina Voytenko

Учасник курсів Академії продажів

Before opening my Etsy store, I underwent training with Alexander! And it was the best decision I made! Alexander succinctly, clearly, and patiently shared his knowledge, experience, and recommendations! And most importantly, they won't leave you without support after the training! I highly recommend taking the course, and you will know exactly how to open a store properly to make it work. They will also help you overcome any difficulties! Thank you for your efforts, Alexander and Katya!

Anastasia Levina

Учасник курсів Академії продажів

I watched information on YouTube, on WB, and now I found answers to my questions. Victoria from Chernihiv is an awesome speaker. For my level, there are all the answers. For now, I will work according to her advice.

Hanicheva Viktoriia

Учасник курсів Академії продажів

Thank you, I started my first sales thanks to your advice.

Aliona Dubchak

Учасник курсів Академії продажів

The consultation went well. It provided a different perspective on what we do. We received many practical pieces of advice. We would have liked a more in-depth analysis, but it's sufficient for this stage. They pointed out the main weaknesses and what we should pay attention to. So, we will continue working. Thank you!

Viacheslav Zhuravel

Учасник курсів Академії продажів

The consultation was amazing, it brought new ideas and directions, what to do and how to further develop.

Anna Andreeva

Учасник курсів Академії продажів

Learn more about Western Bid services

OptoMarket - goods for sale in the USA
Delivery options for parcels from a warehouse in the United States.
UPS Експрес та UPS Ground доставка
How legal entities can sign a formal agreement with us
How do I add a partner to my Western Bid account?
Prohibited goods
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